If YOUR TEAM would like to participate in "SOUTH BLACK SEA CUP 2025" international tournament, please follow the instructions below:
An application for participation in the 17-th annual International Football and Volleyball Tournament ”SOUTH BLACK SEA CUP 2025”, should be sent to the Organizing Committee not later than June 1, 2025. The application must be sent to the tournament's e-mail address - bgsport2021@gmail.com (See 'CONTACTS' at the menu above!)
The applications for participation, which are sent after the above mentioned date, may be accepted only under an agreement with the Organizing Committee!
The application for participation should contain the following:
By June 1, 2025 an advance payment of 1000 EUR (one thousand euro) of the total participation cost should be transferred to the following account:
UBB - United Bulgarian Bank
IBAN: BG84UBBS81551461032506
By August 15, 2025 the final payment should be transferred to the above mentioned account.
By August 15, 2025 the list of the participants (in Latin letters), with their travelling passport details (if your country is a member of the EU – state ID card details would be enough), should be sent to the Organizing Committee.
Each team has to provide their medical allowance documents, as well as medical insurance for each player. The organizers of the tournament have no liability for any medical costs or health problems of the participants in the tournament, or their accompanying persons, unless caused due to our employees' negligence, in which case our liability is limited to maximum of a full refund of the participation cost paid by the endamaged personalities. Arriving at "SOTH BLACK SEA CUP 2025" without medical or health insurance, or without medical allowance documents, is at your own risk!
"BOHEMIA" LTD is not legally liable for any physical injuries or all other medical accidents, or medical damages, that occurred durinng the tournament, or as a result of the participation of the team, or the delegation, in the "SOUTH BLACK SEA CUP 2025" international football and volleyball tournament!
At the Technical Conference, before the start of the competitions, each team has to provide a list with the names and the birthdates of all players!